Why is this?
We know Jesus doesn't need to stand outside and knock for in the Gospel accounts, such as John 20 v 26, we read that Jesus "came and stood amongst the disciples, even though the door was shut".
The idea is one of invitation. Jesus invites us to open the door to let him in.
The disciples, shivering together in fright, had perhaps already invited Jesus, when they spoke about him and when Thomas had mentioned he needed to see Jesus for himself, but Thomas was hiding in the locked room. He wasn't about to go and venture about the city looking for Jesus. Jesus came to them and he would have been warmly welcomed.
If Jesus simply came to see us and invited himself in us, would he be warmly received?
He may have been perceived as a thief by us, one to be cast out and stoned or crucified (all over again).
This time he waits and knocks. If we open the door and invite him in, we benefit in the feast of the lamb of God.
He's knocking.....