The Wife of a Noble Character Proverbs 31 v 10-31
Can this passage be used to represent the church of Christ? In Revelation, the church is portrayed as a woman.
V 10 A wife of noble character who can find?
Who can find good, upright, Christ centred church, strong in all areas of prayer, praise, community and love? Such a church is better than having lots of precious items, or lots of “high points” like conferences, praise parties, camps etc. Her husband - Christ- has full confidence in the church and highly values it. The church should project Christ’s love to give him glory and not shame every day. The church selects and chooses the way in which they want to work and then works eagerly in those areas with full attention.
The church will be like the merchant ships of old, bringing good news to all peoples, showing them the beauty of Christ’s grace and love, giving them good tasting , different / spiritual food.
The church is awake while people sleep, while people are in darkness, providing spiritual food for its brethren and allocates portions of this food for missionaries. The church works eagerly while the people are in spiritual darkness showing them the way towards the light of Christ, and giving peoples the hope of the light of Christ to take away the darkness when he returns. The church is a stronghold for everyone.
The church considers the field, the mission field, an area where they can evangelise and claim it for God. Out of her earnings, from the tithes and offerings of the congregation, the church will plant, develop, a vineyard or a new church / cell structure within that community to further evangelism. Out of her earnings - the fruit, the new born Christians who after their initial evangelisation will set up and run the new church.
The church works vigorously and fervently. Her arms are strong. Prayer is strong, faith is strong, people are strong in their faith in God for the tasks they do. Church activities flourish. The church is profitable spiritually. It grows in numbers from the work it does. It’s lamp does not go out at night. It is a light for all to see, shining through the darkness in the world.
The church holds the instruments / materials for working in the community and the necessary resources for life to grow. The church opens its doors to the poor, the needy and the sick. It has the necessary resources and faith to cope and grow.
When it snows - when bad, cold things happen, the church does not fear because God is with her. All people are clothed in scarlet. They have been bought by the blood of the Lamb.
The church covers it bed, protects its roots and builds upon them. The church lifts the Rock as King wearing fine linen and purple. Christ is respected in the realms of heaven and at the gate of hell. He takes his seat in Heaven and sits amongst the Elders of the church.
The church provides coverings for its Brethren in prayer, praise and thanksgiving, supplying missionaries with sashes - strips of cloth- pieces of news, teachings, worship in the church and the community to people on missions who would not otherwise know what the church would be getting involved with / instructed in.
The church is clothed in strength and dignity, she can laugh with the joy of the Lord, at circumstances of life and at the future. The church speaks wisdom and gives out faithful instruction and teachings.
The church keeps an eye on its affairs and ensures they are all true and correct. The church will never be idle.
New generations arise and bless the church for keeping to the good instruction and decrees of the Lord. Christ will bless the church.
Many religions and sects will do noble things and will start great things for life, but the CHURCH will prevail and surpass them.
Charm is deceptive. Be honest and open.
Beauty is fleeting - It’s no good to have the best church building in the world but have no Christians to fill it.
A church who fears the Lord in reverence will be praised and earn the reward for which the church has worked and run, and her words will bring her praise in the heavens on that glorious day when the pure and spotless bride will meet her bridegroom.
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