Monday, 22 January 2007

Post trib rapture

2 Samuel 22 v 5 - 20.

Is this an argument for post-tribulation rapture?

This passage is by David describing his despair when his enemies have gathered around him and are about to crush and defeat him. He sees there is no way out. Death is upon him. It has him in his grip. In David’s distress, he cries out to the only one he knows can rescue him. God. Then David describes how the Lord came through the clouds, through the enemy lines and broke the cords of death, and grabbed him by the hand to lift him out of the depths of death and into a safe spacious place.
This can happen at the end of time after the battle of Armageddon.


Unknown said...

Is there such a thing as the rapture? I don't see any clear scripture regarding this. The theology has only been around for less than 150 years.

Jesus is coming back but is this the rapture as many evangelicals call it.

Ken White said...

That's true. Scriptures don't point to a rapture, however, those who do, are always looking out for justification of it, as though they want to believe it to be true, and not face the truth that Christians as well as others will have to go through the tough end times until Jesus returns.